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St. James Church Pre-school CIO is well established with over 40 years of experience in caring for and nurturing young children. Qualified and dedicated staff provide high-quality care in a small, nurturing environment with strong staff/child ratios. All our staff and committee hold Enhanced Disclosures issued by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Many families return to our friendly setting knowing that their child is at the heart of everything we do.

We offer learning through play following the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum’ to children from the age of 2 years up to school age. Some children stay with us until they start Reception (Foundation 2).  We are well respected both within the local community and by Ofsted. The pre-school was rated as OUTSTANDING by OFSTED in March 2017.


Their report included the following commendations:

“Children enjoy exploring the wide range of exciting activities that staff design.”

“Children have very high standards of behaviour and confidence. Staff nurture children’s very high levels of emotional well-being.”

“Close working relationships help parents to be fully involved in their children’s learning and care.” 

“All children make exceptional progress from their individual starting points and are very well-prepared for their next stage in learning.”


You can read the full report here: 

Ofsted Report 2017 St James Church Pre-School

The Management Committee

St James Church Pre-School CIO is managed by a voluntary committee that consists of parents and trustees. The Committee works closely with the Manager and staff and is responsible for finances, policy reviews, staff employment, strategic decision-making, and similar matters.

For further details about joining this committee, please contact the Chair: .


Getting involved

We actively encourage parental and family involvement in the day-to-day running of our Pre-school; there are great opportunities throughout the year to help with fundraising, to share your skills and expertise and to play your part by joining the Pre-school committee.

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